Go Off

Sentiments of “this has gone on for too long now” fail to recognize that this should never have “gone on” at all.

The charters, ethical codes and scientific evidence against these mandates were available and accessible before they were ever imposed.

To regain harmony:

The harm done needs to be acknowledged and, where possible, rectified.

The complicit must cast aside their egos and apologize in earnest, while being mindful that forgiveness is not an entitlement.

Introspective self-reflection will be useful in determining the role each of us played in this scenario. (Why did I do what I did? What effect did my actions/words have? What can I learn from this experience?)

Boundaries relating to personal autonomy and agency will need to be established (if not already done) and respected.

Efforts will need to be made to prevent reccurrence of these problems.

Renewed trust will need to be earned.

Those who’ve known all along will need to strive to remain humble in being proven correct to avoid the dangers of hubris they’ve already witnessed in others. No one is immune.

When the pendulum swings again, find your centre.

Stuck Flies

Many of us have been here before
And can see clear through Amber
Those who would not listen to our lore
Out of deep holes must now clamber

It’s not as though we can ne’er be tricked
But blatant lies don’t easily stick
To skin that has been bathed in oils –
Keep vinegar out and plans are foiled

But many are drawn to syrupy honey
In particular, when tied to money
Their feet get stuck, their minds erased
Before they know it, they’re encased

While it’s still liquid, they can move
But for their outcome to improve
With their true hearts they must attune
Before their bodies are consumed

When with their inner strength they fight
The slurry hardens, trying to keep them
But through small cracks will come the light
And make it easier to reach them

As deepening fissures spread and grow
If they heed the light’s welcoming glow
They will burst forth from ‘neath the crust
And resin will turn to blackened dust

Those once fooled become renewed
With deeper insight as their prize
When all things false they do eschew
From the ashes, the Phoenix rise

The Traveler’s Perspective

I know the world you live in, Brother
Where the course appears so obvious / Where limited directions are clear
I lived there too, dressed as another / I lived there too before, with Mother
The structure seemed impervious / On that grooved road, so easy to steer

Life is simple, plain and safe
Though past wounds may sometimes chafe
The flora short, the fauna hidden
Simply follow what is bidden

Gestures are token
Words are unspoken
A spade is not a spade
If you hide it in the shade

There’s a gap in connection
A wall of protection / Much unconscious projection
Information’s at the surface
And nothing is amiss / Such sterile artifice

Then, I was tossed beyond the veil / Then, I peered beyond the veil
Which caused this old train to derail / And there came a twist in this old tale
Off the tracks, into the scrub I flew / Off the worn down path I tripped
To a place where everything looked new / Into unknown, fresh waters I dipped

Every colour is the sky
Such variety of plants and trees / Enormous are the plants and trees
So beautiful it makes you cry / The fauna, wide-eyed and alive
Something in your heart is freed / The water’s crystal clear, not murky

Sure, threats lurk in shadows too
But they are easier to see
Instead of wondering what is wrong
You know what beasts they be

The opposite of sterility / Where mycelium spreads and thrives
Beings grow, connect and die
Everything has its utility / Withered ashes come alive
The magic of math still applies

The wind whispers to the leaves
The deer hear their stories as they eat
The lion absorbs these through the meat
The earth, through roots, the message reads

Climb a baobab to see the land
Feel gravity melt from where you stand
Reach out your tendrils from your hands
Enjoy the view as you expand

Some Dance to Forget

it is a strange thing
to grieve what you never had
but thought that you did

this land of the free
in which, unless you submit,
you can never leave

a desert hotel
where those who drink tainted wine
ignore you exist

they numb nagging truth
by guzzling brews to pass out
with comforting lies

they would turn you in
for a glass of pink champagne
you are on your own

but you are enough
and there are others like you
you just have to look

as your numbers grow
you will gain the momentum
to open the doors

the grass will be soft
in the morning crepuscule
the breeze will greet you

A Spade Is a Spade

there is no virtue
to find in hating oneself –
you have to find love

when we love ourselves
we care better for others
and see more clearly

call out the evil
recognize the neutral
celebrate the good

but first, tell the truth –
accepting reality
is the way forward

call a spade a spade
a diamond is a diamond
we need clubs and hearts

we need to be brave
we are stronger than we think
we can overcome

do not be afraid
to explore the dark corners –
there is treasure there

Home > Shelter

There is a wonderful sense of freedom in non-partisanship. It allows one to listen to opinions from every direction and figure out which ideas appear to make the most sense and have the most compelling evidence, without being tethered to any one team’s narrative.

Dismissive ad hominem attacks (“right-wing”, “leftist”, “anti-vaxxer”, “sheep”, “conspiracy theorist”, for example) have become increasingly used to attempt to discredit individuals. However, they do nothing to address the substance of a person’s arguments and contribute nothing of value to discussions.  Partisan labels, and those heavily loaded with negative connotations, are used to further divide us and create barriers to people truly hearing each other out with open minds.

When people label themselves and others, they mentally divide themselves from the ‘other’ and begin attributing additional, unsubstantiated, undesirable qualities to that ‘other’ to further distance themselves from them. This allows them to disregard the other’s humanity and blinds them from seeing their common ground. Their ears close to whatever the ‘other’ has to say.

When a person doesn’t have a staunch loyalty to any particular party, they are less likely to be emotionally swayed by partisan labels. They can agree and disagree with ideas from all different directions without as many psychological barriers.

That being said, non-partisanship can sometimes have its personal drawbacks.  We humans have an innate need for a sense of belonging and our society has become hyper-partisan.

People who cling to their political affiliation as a defining feature of themselves, indicative of their virtuousness, will feel compelled to admonish or shun someone who speaks openly against their party’s narrative, even (and sometimes especially) if their statements are compelling and make sense. A non-partisan may find themselves loudly rebuked by both sides of a bi-partisan political spectrum for incidentally agreeing with the other side on occasion. 

However, often there are quiet spectators of discussions who may share the speaker’s thoughts and feel relieved and emboldened that someone was able to say them aloud in spite of whatever current taboos and stigmas exist.

The non-partisan will find their home with those who are more concerned with the pursuit of the truth than the perception of virtue. As long as they remain well-intentioned, their reward for their pursuit will be a clear conscience.

While being mindful of the potential biases of the messengers, ideas should be considered for their own inherent value and validity, regardless of whether they fall into one political leaning’s tenets. 

(Note: I suspect that if this term gains increased popularity, its meaning may be corrupted/modified by new definitions or attributions of connotations, like so many other words before. For the purpose of clarity, I define “non-partisanship” here as: not being tied to any political party or leaning and considering issues on an individual basis.)