Sick Stage

years trying to please
this beloved industry
only to step back

two long years away
gives overdue perspective –
it all looks quite sick

a vacation from
the twisted hierarchies
full of hungry snakes

preaching inclusivity
while they segregate

“think outside the box”
differences of opinion
not tolerated

love the creation
not the cultish dynamics
goodbye to the fake

the actual act –
telling stories together
was so beautiful

there is so much good
in the purpose of the craft
in its basic form

meant to open eyes
showcase different viewpoints
invite us to think

point out fallacies
a mirror to society
teach us through laughter

a community
a haven for the misfits
a place to be heard

something’s been stolen
the snakes have eaten their tails
leaving only skulls

the purpose lives on
though its vessel is empty
and its crew captured

but as purpose lives
so lives possibility
of great renewal

one day, when things change
when authentic is valued
maybe I’ll return

for now, this beloved
must sleep off its infection
and so I must go

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