Passing Notes

If, when you walk, the ground is soft
If vetiver and lemongrass should waft
A path’s revealed when you are lost
A sparkle glints amidst the frost

If gentle mists caress your face
If warm winds wrap you in embrace
Should songbirds flitter through your space
Should music fill your heart with grace

If tree leaves glitter when you’re alone
If colours shimmer on wetted stone
When dew drops bud on morning blooms,
And sunsets glow on afternoons

These are my greetings, I am there
And of your prayers I am aware
I receive messages, same as you
The things you do are precious too

I see your signs as you see mine
We will again be one in time
Don’t get hung up on could-have-beens
I’ll cheer you on behind the scenes

I’ve expanded through the ocean
Across the earth and through the sky
Although to you I know I’ve died
I’ve never felt quite so alive

You are love and I am too
So let your love guide what to do
With your abundant love, live large
Take your reins and lead your charge

Conversations with Tia and Mia – Part II

(Link to read Part 1 here)

To Rule Over Ashes

Tia: We haven’t talked much lately. I’m beginning to suspect that you may be upset.

Mia: I’ve been telling you that I am. And why.

Tia: Ok, you have my attention now. I miss you. Can we talk?

Mia: Ok.

Tia: Hm. What’s new? Oh, you remember our old friend Lucia? She died recently… complications from a medical treatment for a burn she’d sustained.

Mia: Oh, how sad! She was wonderful.

Tia: Yes, she was. It was sad indeed.

Mia: Thank you for telling me. Hope you’re doing ok.

Tia: You’re welcome. Yes, I am, thanks. Rhea just got diagnosed with second-degree burns and Gia’s been put on oxygen due to issues caused by from long-term smoke inhalation. So many people unwell lately!

Mia: That all sounds rough. I hope they get better soon. Can you see a link between these issues?

Tia: I think that’s just what it’s like to get older. People around you get sick…

Mia: Oh! Look who just appeared across the street – it’s Steve.

Tia: Poor guy – I heard he just split from his wife.

Mia: I thought they were separated a long time ag-oh no! There he goes again with the gasoline. HEY, STOP!

Tia: I don’t think he can hear you…

Mia: Oh, he can hear me. He just doesn’t care.

Tia: He has a cute couple of kids.

(To Tia) Woah… look at all those guards surrounding him. Where did he get the budget for this entourage? Is that where our community fund disappeared to last year? He’s just pouring gasoline on the neighbor’s house with impunity!


(Mia approaches Steve and a heavily armed guard lunges threateningly at her.)

Mia: We’d better get out of here. We are VERY outnumbered.

Tia: We probably shouldn’t have been here in the first place.

Mia: This is my own house! Or at least what’s left of it… Come on!

(Mia grabs Tia’s hand and they run together to hide behind a wall a safe distance away.)

Mia: Can you see now what’s happening? What he’s doing to our village? He’s pouring gasoline right in front of our eyes. And his pockets are overflowing with matches. Weird… Looks like he’s got a whole wheelbarrow of suspicious supplies.

Tia: I can’t really see what you’re talking about.

Mia: He’s right there, look.

Tia: I can sort of make out some shapes but it’s blurry.

Mia: Wait… is your vision ok? When was the last time you checked your eyesight?

Tia: I’ve never had it checked. But it’s ok. I get by just fine.

Mia: How do you get around?

Tia: Other people tell me what’s going on and where to go. When there are conflicting instructions, I go by the majority’s opinion. Or listen to the most reputed experts.

Mia: Have they ever led you astray?

Tia: I try not to think about it.

Mia: Dang… Well, I can help you get checked for glasses, if you like. Then you can navigate things for yourself.

Tia: I’m not sure I want to.

Mia: Why not?

Tia: (small voice) I’m scared.

Mia: Of what you might have to face?

(Tia nods, sadly.)

Mia: Ohhh. You haven’t seen them yet. Your own burns, I mean…

(Tia shakes her head and begins to cry. Mia embraces her and they sob together.

In the background, the house across the street explodes into flames.)


“An evil man will burn his own nation to the ground to rule over the ashes.”

– Sun Tzu (?)


Testimony- CBC Journalist Exposes The Massive Lies & Propaganda Of CBC At National Citizens Inquiry

Interesting article from the Business Insider, published in 2018:


it is all a show
designed to stir up hatred –
you don’t have to play

think outside the box
first, look inwards, then outwards
free yourself from strings

it’s more interesting
to float around untethered
observing it all

notice the nuance
put away the broad brushes
find flow in details

love and ask questions
defend your heart when needed
honour your spirit

use your agency
lead others by example
actions over words

Thirsty Horses

We’ve been leading horses to water
But they’ve forgotten how to drink
The information’s all around them
But they do not want to think

There’s only so much one can do
For those who won’t save themselves
Though it’s hard to watch them strike the matches
For their own personal hells

The longer they wait
The harder it is to break free
But it’s not yet too late
They need just look, in order to see

Facing down the role they’ve played
May be a sorry sight, no doubt
They’ll see the filth in which they’ve stayed
But so too the way out

If the wait’s too long, we’ll have to leave
And the road’s a hard go on their own
The lost horses we will grieve
But we cannot turn ourselves to stone

Beware the White Knight

Beware the white knight
Though sore eyes crave the sight –
He appears when all’s wrong
With solutions, so strong

Though he feigns great disdain
For the monsters that oppress
Opportunity’s his game
And the gateway’s your duress

He knows just what to say
To put you at ease
With temptation he sways,
Claims to do as you please

Generous he seems, at first
Asks for nothing in return
But this is just one of his schemes
And he will soon reverse

Your praise makes him mighty
He grows imposing as them
But his allegiance is flighty
He’ll betray you in the end

On a pedestal he stands
To appear above reproach
Adept at slight of hand
On your freedoms he’ll encroach

His cloak’s an illusion
Its colour too white
He relies on confusion
And feeds off of fright

Don’t let the pallor blind you
If you focus, you can see
Beneath the veil, the darkened hue
Of something vile and empty

Under his milky coat
He’s the same sort of beast
As your demon tormentors
And eager to feast

Turn pedestals to sand
And strengthen your own selves
Lest these beasts seize the land
And lock you in their cells

We must be our own saviours
A team of equals we can trust
No one’s coming to our rescue
So band together, we must

Though they may stand tall
We stand wide and vast
They have farther to fall
We must simply hold fast

The Return of Agapollumus

The people of the land so feared Agapollumus, the demon of Intolerance who had visited before, that they restructured their society to keep him out.

He had had been a violent force of evil, tearing apart friends, neighbours and families along with their homes, crops and livestock, leaving swaths of carnage in his wake.

The people agreed, “we must not tolerate Intolerance.” But what exactly constituted Intolerance? It was an abstract concept and more difficult to understand than they’d expected so a consensus on its definition needed to be reached to avoid confusion. Any disagreement amongst them would weaken their strong, unified stance against this common enemy. The people developed rules with good intent, which quickly became increasingly restrictive. Those who disputed the general consensus had to be silenced. Those who appeared to threaten the new status quo had to disappear. Differences of creed, appearances, manners of speaking, ways of thinking were not to be tolerated.

In the name of banishing Intolerance, the people opted to redefine their values too, in a way that would not tempt Agapollumus to return. People’s traits that Agapollumus had previously reviled were elevated on a pedestal. Traits that he had appreciated were scorned.

They became confident that Agapollumus was gone for good.

But Agapollumus was crafty. He had never cared which specific traits the people celebrated or spurned. He only cared that the people be divided.

The people’s memories were short – most could not recall how Agapollumus had been invited to the land in the first place. Those who did remember were cast out of society for their different ways of thinking.

Through their attempts to rid the land of his influence, the people reincarnated Agapollumus within their own bodies and through their actions. Unseen to them, he cackled mirthfully as they breathed life into him in this way.
And again.
And again – for this was how he’d come to visit before and would return again, becoming more powerful each time, aiming to one day destroy them all. Once every 80 to 100 years – the lifespan of an elder, long enough for most people to forget his methods – he’d appear by convincing people it was virtuous to fall for his tricks.

Conversations with Tia and Mia – Part I

The House Fire

Mia: My house is on fire!
Tia: It can’t be that bad…
Mia: Look at it!
Tia: Meh, I don’t need to.


Mia: I need help with this hose – it’s too heavy!
Tia: Ah yeah, hoses can be heavy, for sure.
Sia: I’ll help!
Tia: Wow! That’s so considerate of you, Sia. What a good person you are!
(Sia disappears – doesn’t help.)


Mia: This fire is awfully hot and I can’t seem to get enough water on it! I think it’s going to burn down.
Tia: That would never happen.
Mia: It happened to the neighbors down the street already.
Tia: That would never happen here.


Mia: My house burned down last night.
Tia: Ah well. You’ll have another house someday.


Mia: I figured out who’s been lighting the houses on fire in the neighborhood. Here’s a surveillance video of him in the act.
Tia: Oh, Steve? His mother’s great.
Mia: I just saw him carrying a big box of matches and a jug of gasoline up the street.
Tia: (Shrug.) He’s made some mistakes.
Mia: They’re not mistakes if they’re done on purpose.
Tia: Too much drama. Let’s talk about that mailbox over there.
Mia: The guy’s a serial arsonist.
Tia: That’s a bit paranoid, don’t you think?


Mia: I need to talk to you.
Tia: I heard the neighbours aren’t speaking.
Mia: I feel like you’ve been brushing off my concerns.
Tia: Apparently, Saffy didn’t help Taffy put out a house fire and Taffy got her knickers all in a twist over it.
Mia: I get the impression you aren’t hearing me.
Tia: Isn’t that wild?
Mia: I feel like we are having trouble communicating.
Tia: I hope we always get along.

(Link to read Part 2 here)

Os Tincoãs – Atabaque Chora

Hindsight = Foresight

Do the bidding of Evil
and, though it may seem easy at first,
as soon as you are no longer of use to them,
they will throw you to the wolves
even if you succeed.

Do the bidding of Good
and, though it may seem difficult at first,
they will embrace you
even if you fail.

Sick Stage

years trying to please
this beloved industry
only to step back

two long years away
gives overdue perspective –
it all looks quite sick

a vacation from
the twisted hierarchies
full of hungry snakes

preaching inclusivity
while they segregate

“think outside the box”
differences of opinion
not tolerated

love the creation
not the cultish dynamics
goodbye to the fake

the actual act –
telling stories together
was so beautiful

there is so much good
in the purpose of the craft
in its basic form

meant to open eyes
showcase different viewpoints
invite us to think

point out fallacies
a mirror to society
teach us through laughter

a community
a haven for the misfits
a place to be heard

something’s been stolen
the snakes have eaten their tails
leaving only skulls

the purpose lives on
though its vessel is empty
and its crew captured

but as purpose lives
so lives possibility
of great renewal

one day, when things change
when authentic is valued
maybe I’ll return

for now, this beloved
must sleep off its infection
and so I must go